Natural Church Development
Natural Church Development (NCD) is an assessment tool based on an international study of 1,000 churches in 32 countries with the goal of discovering principles of church health that are universally valid across cultures.
The research findings confirmed eight quality characteristics, or eight systems that keep a church engaged in God’s mission in a healthy manner.
Empowering leadership
Gift Based Ministry
Passionate Spirituality
Inspiring Worship
Effective Structures
Need Oriented Evangelism
Holistic Small Groups
Loving Relationships

NCD is a long-term strategic process for progressively improving a church’s health. Research has shown that 85% of churches that have gone through the second cycle show both qualitative and quantitative increase! Further they have discovered that churches who repeated this cycle for three years’ experience these four realities:
Each quality characteristic averaged a 6% increase.
They have increased their worship attendance by 51%.
Transfer growth decreased and conversion growth increased.
The work-load of the pastor decreased because they learned how to delegate and empower others.

We can be your coach to help guide you through an action plan of improvement.
The cost is $250 for the assessment and the Coaching cost varies with scholarships available!